Bud and Tara are working to organize a constant peaceful and prayerful presence at local abortion clinics and several other proven strategies, in an effort to end abortion in New Mexico. We are also reaching out to the Christian community to educate, activate, and encourage them to stand for life. Our ministry is Christ centered and grace filled. There are many ways to get involved, our prayer is that you will join us in our life saving ministry.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Newsletter: We Saw Mountains Move!

On UNM Campus with Survivors! The Survivors Campus Life Tour visited ABQ and brought their displays out to UNM. It was great being at a college campus again (We spent our 1st year of pro-life ministry with Survivors and visited over 180 schools!), however, the students at UNM can be very aggressive. A male student even pushed over one of the displays, but some really nice Muslim girls rushed over to help put it back together and stayed and talked for quite a while. This gave us an opportunity to speak with students we may never have been able to connect with otherwise. The best thing I heard a passerby say was, "I was totally pro-choice before I saw that sign...now there is no way I can be!"
"Massive Pro-Life Event With '180' & Ray Comfort"
We are so encouraged by answered prayers. One of our prayers has consistently been more workers for the harvest and for churches to become actively pro-life. Calvary of ABQ is doing just that and we are excited to see how God is going to use those who are willing to further His kingdom and save lives. On April 4th, there was a packed house of several thousand at Calvary of ABQ who watched the incredible movie "180" followed by an interview with its creator Ray Comfort. A table was set up for several ministries including 9 months, Pro-Life Movement, which was founded by Pastor Eric Lamb and his wife Cherita. Eric and Cherita are dear friends of ours and we plan to work together with them to bring awareness to the public and hope to women in ABQ.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2
Sidewalk Conversation’s & A Glimpse Outside SWO Abortion Clinic... One morning this month my friend and a faithful volunteer, Lorenzo and I pulled up in the Truth Truck and got all our signs set up out at the ABQ Late-Term abortion mill Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO). Almost immediately a couple of young women pulled into the SWO parking lot. They literally just drove right to the exit where we were and the young woman in the passenger side was balling her eyes out and thanked us for being there, she said that she had come for an abortion but changed her mind! We gave her Project Defending Life’s (PDL) information and all the local resources. Praise God! We have seen cars drive in and leave on numerous occasions, the passengers never get out of their car and we don’t even get to speak to them. Our prayer is always that they changed their mind...without really knowing for sure. Thanks to the ability we have to be in the public square proclaiming the message of life and to PDL we have so much to offer these women and minds are often changed. Some women don't need material or financial help, but they do need to see our prayerful presence and the truth depicted by our graphic signs which the Holy Spirit uses to pierce their heart and strip away all the lies and excuses. They need Christians and the Pro-Life community to be there...bringing even a mustard seed sized faith to the abortion clinic is all it takes for God to move mountains...I know, because we witnessed mountains move this month!
Other Opportunities and Blessings... This month a Catholic moms group came to pray at the UNM clinic. About 8 women came with babies in tow to be a witness for life. This paints a beautiful picture for passersby and also for women seeking abortions.
We ended the month doing a presentation for a local Catholic youth group. This presentation was meant to inspire the youth to make a difference in the lives of others. Young people today have the ability to shape the future so we must encourage and educate them to walk in God’s ways and to stand up for the truth no matter what. We spent some time in CO this month as well to rest and re-energize. It was a lot of fun...and much needed! Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for our ministry here in New Mexico. It is evident that God is at work and has great things planned for the future. We will press on until this state is abortion free and may God receive all of the glory!

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