Bud and Tara are working to organize a constant peaceful and prayerful presence at local abortion clinics and several other proven strategies, in an effort to end abortion in New Mexico. We are also reaching out to the Christian community to educate, activate, and encourage them to stand for life. Our ministry is Christ centered and grace filled. There are many ways to get involved, our prayer is that you will join us in our life saving ministry.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

June Newsletter: Overcoming the Darkness with Light...In Season!

Picking up Momentum

The past couple of months have been productive, but at the same time we’ve kind of felt like things have slowed down with our ministry. One thing that is so evident...and that we continue to hear from people who live here, is the presence of a demonic strong hold. In more ways than one darkness is constantly trying to overtake the light here in ABQ.

Thankfully, as the spiritual forces of darkness are at work, the God we serve works harder! His power and presence was magnified this month and we give him all the glory and honor for what He is doing here. Please commit to praying for us on a daily basis as we stand with God in this spiritual battle. Thank you to those who already so faithfully do pray for us!

“Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers of this dark world!” ~Ephesians 6:12

Another Life Saved

Tara received a call out of the blue one Thursday this month. On the other end of the line was a frantic woman facing a serious dilemma. She was one of those women who often find themselves backed into a corner, with only one choice-abortion. Unfortunately her first words to Tara were, “I’m having an abortion, there’s no other way.” It seemed as though her mind was made up.

Her boyfriend had recently left her high and dry after he asked her to quit her job to be a stay at home mom. She was dependent on him and he left her for someone else. When she tried to reason with him for the sake of their child, he told her to have an abortion. With rent past due, he gave her an ultimatum. It was have the abortion and I’ll pay your rent or don’t and you and your children will end up on the streets.

After getting her job back and contacting state agencies for help she called a Pastor who had our number. That’s how she knew to contact Tara. She admitted that she didn’t know who Tara was and wasn’t even calling to ask for help, she just called and didn’t know why. Talk about a divine appointment. It was a privilege for Tara to talk with her, find out her situation and her feelings about the situation.

Deep within her she didn’t want an abortion, she just didn’t have the resources or support to make the right choice. Tara contacted her landlord and Project Defending Life paid the remainder of her rent. Tara spent time assuring her that even though her situation seemed too overwhelming, that it would get better and that we’re here to help. That was enough to lift her spirits and her resolve to keep her baby. She even called her ex boyfriend and told him that he couldn’t control and manipulate her.

This is another victory for Christ and a testimony of the faithfulness of God to save lives through the love and charity of His people! To Him be the glory.

National Day of Prayer Week

Bud had a great opportunity to share the pulpit with Pastor Eric Lamb of Calvary Albuquerque on the topic of abortion during the National Day of Prayer Week 2012 at Glory Christian Fellowship in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Today is the day to stand up and speak out against the abortion holocaust surrounding us...and to God be the Glory!

Reaping A Harvest…In Season!

This month we found out that based on a complaint Tara filed back in 2009, while we were working as interns for Operation Rescue in Wichita, KS, that an abortionist in Queens, New York was stripped of his medical license and the abortion mill he ran was closed down!

We are so encouraged by this news! This is a testament that using the law and regulations already in place against abortionists works!

Please pray that our efforts to do this here in NM bears the same fruit.

Our Presence is Vital!

An abortion mill in Birmingham, Alabama had a Federal Injunction that police had been applying illegally against the Pro-Life community for several years. Back in 2010 Bud worked with several pro-life groups to re-claim the side walk in front of the New Woman All Women abortion mill! Since then, sidewalk counselors filed complaints after witnessing two ambulances transport injured women to the hospital. Based on those complaints, the Board of Medicine in AL conducted an investigation and as a result this mill was closed down...May 18th, 2012!

This month Tara was able to revisit some of our previous efforts to end abortion here in NM. A follow-up meeting with the Governor was held as well as a meeting with the Executive Director of the Medical Board.

We have also launched a new project that we believe will shed light on why abortion is being perpetuated here in NM. We are very excited about how things are moving along. Stay tuned for more information and please utilize the strongest tool we have as Christians.

Prayer is what will move mountains and defeat the enemy. We invite you to join us in this spiritual battle, please contact us to find out how you can make a difference locally or in your state.

God Bless You!

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