Bud and Tara are working to organize a constant peaceful and prayerful presence at local abortion clinics and several other proven strategies, in an effort to end abortion in New Mexico. We are also reaching out to the Christian community to educate, activate, and encourage them to stand for life. Our ministry is Christ centered and grace filled. There are many ways to get involved, our prayer is that you will join us in our life saving ministry.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Newsletter 2012: We hit the ground running in 2012!

“Doing everything for the glory of God”

Sanctity of Life Awareness and Unity Day (SOLAUD) 2012

Every year in the month of January Pro-Life groups host events all throughout the country. Here in New Mexico, Christians from all across the state come together to promote the sanctity of human life. This year Bud and I had the privilege of organizing a morning rally featuring praise and worship, speakers and testimonies of post abortive men and women. One of our dear friends Pastor Lamb shared his heart as one of our keynote speakers.

His message was centered around the simple injustice of abortion and the urgency to get involved to end abortion in America. After the morning rally an estimated 2500 people marched to the Santa Fe Capitol to meet Governor Martinez and other Legislators. We were very encouraged and hope that in the coming year more people will get involved and stay involved!

Here is Pastor Eric Lamb's Passionate Keynote address!

One Down...Three Left To Go!

Last month we uncovered that Bruce Ferguson was retiring at the end of December. He had been doing abortions for over 30years and his clinic was one of four Albuquerque abortion clinics. Well this month, we confirmed that he did in fact retire and shut down!

Opportunities to Share...

This month we were so blessed to have several opportunities to speak to different groups. We started the month off by speaking at the PDL Parenting Class on a Wednesday night. Then Tara was able to be on the radio to promote the Sanctity of Life event and to share about last years accomplishments. We also spoke to two separate church groups . These opportunities are so vital in getting the word out and educating the public. It is true that most people have no idea what is happening in their own backyards. Tara went up to Santa Fe with a coalition of pregnancy center volunteers to speak with legislators about the ministries of pregnancy centers as well as the parental notification bill we hope to see put into law here in NM. She also shared with legislators our latest press release. (You can read it here!)

Our Prayer Requests:

~For an end to abortion in New Mexico.
~For the conversion of every abortion doctor and clinic worker.
~For softened hearts of the women we speak to each day at abortion clinics.
~For the moms who have already chosen life and for the means to continue to serve them.
~For a continued grace filled and Christ centered ministry focus.
~For more opportunities to share the truth about abortion and it’s effects with the Christian community.
~For the Christian community to rise up out of apathy and a spiritual awakening.
~For more workers for this ripe harvest.
~For our safety in this spiritual battle.

We are full-time Pro-Life Missionaries and raise our own support from individuals who have a heart for our life saving work!

(Click Here) If you would like to support our life saving ministry. Your generous support makes our work possible! All donations are tax deductible. (Cornerstone is a Pro-Life alternative to Paypal.)

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