Bud and Tara are working to organize a constant peaceful and prayerful presence at local abortion clinics and several other proven strategies, in an effort to end abortion in New Mexico. We are also reaching out to the Christian community to educate, activate, and encourage them to stand for life. Our ministry is Christ centered and grace filled. There are many ways to get involved, our prayer is that you will join us in our life saving ministry.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November Newsletter: The Crisis Continues; “Who is My Neighbor…?”

Investigation Reveals Tax Funded Abortions

In October, Project Defending Life and Operation Rescue, launched an investigation showing that Medicaid pays not only for abortions, but completely covers third-trimester abortions for no medical reason whatsoever.

An undercover phone call was made to ABQ’s late term abortion clinic. The caller identified herself as having a healthy pregnancy in the 26th week of gestation to a Southwestern Women’s Options employee named Sue. She told Sue that the reason she wanted an abortion was because her husband had just lost his job.

We discovered that an abortion in the 26th week of pregnancy costs $9,000 and in New Mexico, is covered 100% by Medicaid. There are an additional 15 states in the country that fund abortions through state and federal tax payer dollars.

This investigation was done to help educate the public about where their tax dollars are going. It is clearly disturbing and shocking that funds are being used to take innocent human life especially when the vast majority of the American people strongly object to their tax money being used in this way.

In addition, we uncovered that Medicaid also pays for abortions done on babies diagnosed with down syndrome. October is Down Syndrome awareness Month, however, 90% of children diagnosed with down syndrome in America, are killed by abortion simply for being disabled. We found in our investigation, that an abortion performed on a child with down syndrome in the 30th week of pregnancy costs anywhere from $10,000-$16,000 and is paid for by us...taxpayers.

We’re reminded that all life is precious, sacred to God, & deserving of protection no matter what!

The Crisis Continues...

Another 911 tape revealing an additional botched abortion was uncovered this month by Tara. We released the tape to Operation Rescue and filed an additional complaint with the NM Medical Board. This latest call to 911 from Southwestern Women’s Options was placed on September 22, and makes a total of 14 life-threatening abortion complications over the past two years.

It is vital that the public as well as the Medical Board are aware of this continuing crisis. These life threatening injuries are continuing, so please pray that the doctors involved will be held accountable for their actions, legally forced to stop and surrender to Christ as their Lord!

Thankfully, the local media continues to cover this urgent crisis and Tara was able to do several interviews on local Christian radio stations.

Another Baby Born!

This month, we found out that in June of this year another baby was born into our ministry, by the grace of God. When Tara met Samantha*( not her real name) it was truly a divine appointment. Samantha had just come from a horrible interview for a job that she was trying to obtain. She was completely distraught, in fact she was physically shaking.

Tara soon found out about her situation and about the fact that she had previously had an abortion. Samantha would not recognize her baby as a person and insisted her baby was an “it.” Thankfully Samantha attended some parenting classes and Project Defending Life also provided her with maternity clothes and much needed love and encouragement. She delivered a healthy baby boy in June. We are so happy for her and rejoice in her courage to choose life for her son.

“Who is My Neighbor…?”

Recently we were asked, “Are you successful in your ministry?” That’s a great question and we know it carries some baggage since hundreds of women have abortions each month in ABQ. Our answer was an emphatic, “YES!" Here we’d like to touch the tip of the iceberg of this question. One of our goals is to simply “be there” to reach abortion minded women in order to offer life affirming alternatives. These alternatives are foreign to most of the women we speak to, they think that abortion is their only option. We can’t make the choice for them, but we can be modern day “Good Samaritan's” and offer help to our neighbors and not pass them by.

Where are abortion minded women? According to another ABQ pregnancy center Director, most of their clientele are women who want to carry their babies to term. The majority of women in ABQ, who visit pregnancy centers, have already made up their minds to keep their babies, they just need assistance. So if abortion minded women aren’t going to pregnancy centers for help, where are they going?

Everyday in America these women go to abortion clinics. At these clinics they are sold abortions and told that there is no harm in it. They go in healthy pregnant women with bright futures ahead of them, only to leave wounded, maimed and forever changed. As the body of Christ we offer hope to these women, in the last moments before they reach the point of no return. If we as Christians do not reach these women at these places of death, who will? God emphatically commands us, in Proverbs 24:11 to, “Rescue those being led away to death.” How can we do this if we refuse to be at the places where people are dying?

With God’s help and provision we are successful in offering every woman we see hope and help in her situation. Countless babies lives have been saved and women have been spared a life of regret. As Christians aren’t we called to be salt and light, aren’t we called to “go” and make disciples? How can we do that if we continue to sit in pews and expect other Christians to do all of the “work?” Choose to be obedient and a blessing for life, get involved and join us. God wants to use you and these women and their babies need you!

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