Bud and Tara are working to organize a constant peaceful and prayerful presence at local abortion clinics and several other proven strategies, in an effort to end abortion in New Mexico. We are also reaching out to the Christian community to educate, activate, and encourage them to stand for life. Our ministry is Christ centered and grace filled. There are many ways to get involved, our prayer is that you will join us in our life saving ministry.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Massive Pro-Life Event At Calvary Chapel With '180' And Ray Comfort"

By Monte Harms of Stand For Life

On Wednesday night, April 4th, there was a packed house of several thousand at Calvary Chapel in Albuquerque, New Mexico, who watched the incredible movie "180" and an interview with its creator Ray Comfort. A table was set up for a new ministry at Calvary called 9 months, Pro-Life Movement, which was founded by Pastor Eric Lamb. The plan is to have pro-life educational classes, rallies, and other activities that include not just a few, but thousands involved. Other tables were set up for 40 Days for Life, an adoption organization called Aspen Project, and for CareNet. Watch the entire service with the interview of Ray Comfort here. Calvary Chapel of Albuquerque and Pastor Skip Heitzig need to be applauded. Thank you.

"180" on YouTube has received nearly 3 million views. For more information about "180" go to Heart Changer and watch the entire movie below.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Newsletter: Making the Most of Every Opportunity!

Another day in our lives...

One morning this month I got ready to head over to the Late-Term abortion mill SWO...as Tara was finishing up a research project she has been doing regarding possible abortions in Santa Fe [she confirmed that the Planned Parenthood (PP) in Santa Fe just got a nurse practitioner willing to administer the RU-486 medical abortions...which means that PP in Santa Fe is doing abortions up to 9wks:[ She was finishing that up so she could give a report to Fr. Brennan and then head over to the PDL pregnancy center across from the UNM abortion mill to give free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and other assistance to moms in need. I walked outside and OUR CAR WAS STOLEN! (1980 Gray Toyota that our good friend Lorenzo generously gave to us)...I still went out to SWO but Tara had to stay home and file a police report!

Keep us in your prayers as the enemy is out in full force, pray his attacks don't get more serious and for our continued protection in this spiritual battle that spills out into physical attacks at times! Out at SWO that day, there were 2 cars from NM, 2 from TX, one from Nevada, one from AZ, one from Washington and we spoke with a Hispanic couple who were referred to SWO from a hospital in Mexico!

“Have I not commanded you? Be Strong and Courageous. Do not be Afraid; Do not be Discouraged, for YHWH your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

Making the Most of Every Opportunity!

Yet another reason its good to have graphic images of abortion violence out at the abortion mill....you just may get a counter protestor. Believe it or not having them stand next to the graphic image of an aborted baby with their "Pro-Choice" sign is wonderful for those passing by. This contrast helps many to see exactly what "Choice" really is...not to mention counter protestors never stay long after they realize it! This girl did not stick around for very long...I even offered to let her hold my graphic sign...if she would tell people that this is the choice she supports...she left pretty quickly after that!

He’s a Boy...

We found out this month that our baby due in August is a...BOY!

“We not only care about women & their babies...We hug trees too!” (Bud putting up signs in front of SWO)

Sidewalk Conversation’s & A Glimpse Outside SWO Abortion Clinic...

This month an Indian couple came to the Late-Term mill SWO. She must have been at least 6-7 months along! She kept looking with horror at the Truth Truck and our graphic signs as she slowly walked in refusing to talk to us. Later they came out pacing and she was wiping tears from her eyes. I waved them over and her husband walked over to me. I asked him if they had already begun the abortion. He stated that they had gone there for an abortion, but that they could not go through with it and they were returning home! Praise God! A Native American woman approached us one day as she was heading downtown to the soup kitchen and she asked for some of our pro-life resource literature to pass out to women. She hugged each of us and headed on her way. A discerning couple asked to walk and talk with her. They came back and told me that she struggled with alcoholism and that they shared Christ with her and prayed with her. She responded with interest and wanted to find out how to receive Jesus as her Lord and made a commitment to learn what it takes to serve Him! She mentioned that she knew of a Christian group and they told her to go and tell them of her decision to receive Jesus as the Messiah, her savior and her Lord. It appears God saved two lives! I am always amazed by how God can use each one of us as we step out in faith!

Another day a woman walked into the abortion clinic saying "I'm judged, I'm judged!" Bobby Coffman Jr. replied "We are here to love you, not judge you...let us help you!" Her boyfriend walked over to talk and said that God is the creator of life and He wants this child to live... he kept saying over and over how this abortion was going to have consequences and that God would never forgive them. I told him that the enemy wanted this abortion to destroy the child and both of their lives. I stated that as much as God loved that baby and wanted the baby to live, this same God wanted the same thing for their lives...He is the creator of life and He loves them just as much! I gave him a card with post-abortion information I asked him if he would share what I told him to his girlfriend..."How much God loves her and wants her to have abundant life...in Him!" This man thanked me and he said that he was going to use this experience to try and help others...especially young people! Praise God! God takes us where we are at...(even at an abortion clinic)...and touches us, begins to renew and remold us instantly, and begins to use us for His Glory! This is the power of the God we serve!

Here is a testimony from a wonderful couple who have made a commitment to stand for life every Tuesday (In fact Collette stepped down from full-time to part-time hours at her job just to make sure she can be out each Tuesday...even though her husband was recently laid off!) Let this inspire each of us to do all that we can...to help save a life!

PRAISE REPORT! So, being Tuesday, Bobby, Angelica, and I headed out to Southwestern Women's Options (the late term abortion mill here in Albuquerque) to pray and reach out to those in need. The weather was pretty cold so I ended staying inside the car with Angelica while Bobby headed out on the sidewalk. At the end of the vigil, Bobby said with tears in his eyes, that we saved a baby. Apparently, a lady came to have an abortion and brought a male friend with her. Bobby reached out to them in love and asked if he could just talk with them. The male said that he would be right back to talk to him. He went in to the abortion mill with the woman and came out very shortly after. Bobby began talking with this man and began sharing his testimony. He shared about our lost unborn children. It was obvious what would happen to the child if she went thru with the abortion but Bobby made sure to stress what would happen to the woman...the physical and mental consequences. Not so ironically, a lady came up at that moment and joined in the conversation. She is a nurse. Bobby asked the nurse for confirmation as to whether what he was saying was right...she backed him up all the way. After talking with Bobby the man went back into the mill and several minutes later, he and his female friend walked out. Bobby introduced himself to the woman and told her that he would keep her and her situation in prayer. She thanked him and they headed down the road. Just knowing that she was going into a place of murder but walked out with her child's heart still beating is such a victory! THANK YOU JESUS for using my husband! THANK YOU LORD for using our past sorrows for your glory! Please let this be just the first of many victories!

Click Here- to listen to the Charge by Tara at the Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally- Albuquerque, NM- We estimate about 400 in attendance! After the rally at the Federal Court House, the Stop HHS ABQ participants (estimated 100) moved to Late-Term abortion mill SWO for prayer. New Mexico is one of 15 states where people of faith ALREADY fund 100% of abortion services with our tax dollars via Medicaid!